The ESPRIT software suite offers both qualitative and quantitative line scan options.
Ultra-fast line scan with spectra data base:
- Line profiling for any number of elements or ROIs (energy ranges)
- Arbitrary selection of scan line position, length, and angle using preview image
- High resolution, high speed scan (>100 000 points/s)
- 多个扫描与数据积累反证法n of sample stress
- Manual start and stop or preselected acquisition time
- Spectral database containing all sample points, can be stored to disk an reprocessed at any time
- Selection of elements prior, during, or after line scan acquisition
- Filter and display options for result presentation and graphics export.
Quantitative evaluation of line scan spectra data base:
- Standardless quantitative analysis for all sample points including deconvolution and matrix correction
- Automatic element identification and predefined or interactively optimized evaluation strategies
- Spectral data base for all sample points can be stored to disk and reprocessed at any time
- Versatile result formatting
- Filter and display options for result presentation and graphics export
- ASCII and Excel® format export of line profile data