Rapid technological advances have enabled progressively sophisticated and robust genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and other omic analyses. However, to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of biological systems, thespatial contextof the resulting data and information has become increasingly important. Bruker provides multiple solutions for researchers performing various types of spatial omic analyses—including spatial genomics and spatial proteomics.
Our ChipCytometry and ZellScanner platform enables researchers to perform highly multiplexed targeted proteomics with single-cell resolution on both suspended cell or tissue samples to obtain single-cell phenotype profiles with spatial context. Our Vutara VXL provides a multimodal bioimaging workstation that has the flexibility for various spatial omics imaging and analysis modalities including DNA-PAINT based methods, ORCA, smFISH and OligoSTORM. With both widefield and super-resolution modalities, the Vutara VXL is ideal for studies of chromatin architecture and genomic 3D conformational analyses.