Necessary SmartDrive four reasons

Are you administrator of NMR spectrometer?If you spend too much time to organize all the analysis request received every day?Learn about SmartDriveNMR help you solve the powerful features of the daily challenges!
To save time and energy
SmartDriveNMR allows you to focus on the real want to sample processing, and automatic processing of other samples.Whether your colleagues every day a large number of measurement?Many of them are small molecules?Step-by-step set each experiment will cost you much time?SmartDriveNMR will automatically set up experiments and optimize the parameters of the small molecule.Need to allocate software should the amount of time for each of the samples and the required quality, everything will be done by SmartDriveNMR the rest.
Optimize the use of nuclear magnetic spectrometer
Once to measure the quality, we will immediately start the next job.This can make your instrument is in the best running state, and minimize downtime.
To obtain high quality results need for professional knowledge
If not nuclear experts, also can obtain good results.Even the special requirements, SmartDriveNMR can also processing, the result will not only be standardized analysis.The concentration of the sample shortage?SmartDriveNMR can make up for the shortage of the material, it will provide reliable results, achieve the desired quality, and the user for any additional operation.
To realize the automatic user experiment
Do you design your own experiment, automatic operation and hope they can?New SmartDriveNMR provides sufficient flexibility, you can use your own experiments for automatic measurement and optimization.