VerTera continuous-wave terahertz extension
In addition to the VERTEX 80 v transform infrared performance and flexibility of verTera upgrade extend version can also realize single wave number range, or the top technical parameters such as high spectral resolution.Generally need to use the radial heat meter of liquid helium temperature is reached.VerTera can also be implemented:
Advanced cw THZ technology:
VerTera used the high-precision semiconductor optoelectronic mixer, converting near-infrared laser terahertz radiation.The light source and detector has been integrated into the VERTEX 80 v optical path, the level of the near infrared (NIR) laser radiation by optical fiber and vacuum sealed lead connection.
Terahertz through vacuum environment to achieve the best performance
Vacuum environment can significantly reduce the unnecessary atmospheric disturbances, while providing excellent stable state, in order to achieve better performance of terahertz.
Unique terahertz data processing to achieve the highest resolution:
The extraction of traditional shock photocurrent signal extremum method will greatly damage spectral resolution.And verTera only through a unique algorithm can obtain more effective spectral resolution (< 0.0007 cm - 1 < 20 MHz), and the use of terahertz step length.
Applicable to the infrared, terahertz spectrometer and other spectral range:
VerTera expand the biggest configuration of the VERTEX 80 v, it covered attractive 3 cm- 1To 50000 cm- 1Spectral range (from the terahertz to uv light).verTera适用于多个与太赫兹兼容的FTIR样品室附件,如透射测量、气体池、反射以及与太赫兹兼容的ATR装置,旨在在FTIR和连续波太赫兹覆盖的极宽的光谱范围内实现统一的工作流程。
Terahertz verTera through expanded spectral range, and improve the resolution, brought valuable information for a large number of applications, such as polymorphic polymer research, high resolution spectrum, crystal structure, solid and semiconductor physics), and drug or drug related research, etc.
Different verTera version:
VerTera extension has three different versions to choose from, facilitate you get different spectral range, this all have achieved better than 0.0007 cm - 1 (20 MHz) spectral resolution.Summary of current version, please see the table below.VERTEX 80 v by room temperature component, under the mode of FTIR, seamless coverage is beyond the scope of a given limit spectrum.
No element can be realized at low temperature limit of terahertz spectrum:
Bolometers is a proven and as low as 5 cm - 1 the high sensitivity of terahertz detectors, however, it requires the use of liquid helium, this increases the cost, but also for the operating personnel with professional knowledge, because of scarcity, even cannot be used in some areas.And pulse tube cooling Bolometers alternative cooling components such as the price is very expensive, is also likely to produce adverse vibration of cooling time for several hours.Using verTera extension pieces, you just need to press a button, everything was done, it will not produce a large number of operating costs, but also can realize more excellent spectrum limit and resolution.
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