Three-dimensional X-ray microscopy (XRM)

Physiological monitoring subsystem

Visual motion detection

Physiological monitoring subsystem contains animal video monitoring, and support real-time motion detection, electrocardiogram (ecg) and respiration detection and can keep the temperature stable.It also provides TV camera (SKYSCAN 1278 5 Mp), installed in the top of the animal bed, with white LED lighting, can real-time generate animal images in the process of scanning.The software can analyze the user selected image area video streaming, the operator can be breathing exercises on the localization to the animal body is very obvious.System will convert these movements to motion waveform, thus providing breathing time scale, achieve time-resolved microscopic CT reconstruction.

Animals on the bed of anesthesia mask and air/gas flow sensor connection, can direct detection of breathing.Animal warehouse on electrocardiogram (ecg) electrode is access to sensitive ecg amplifier.Then, monitoring system will breathe and electrocardiogram (ecg) signal digital signal, sent to the computer, and are displayed on the screen in real time curve.Operators can choose for each signal gain and threshold, so as to optimize time scale.

Monitoring includes heating air flow through the supply, to keep the temperature stable, keeping scanning of the animal's body temperature stability, to prevent hypothermia in the process of anesthesia.

4 d time-resolved microscopic ct scan imaging

Brooke microscopic CT development of physiological monitoring, for the heart and lungs and dynamic imaging of time-resolved refactoring creates a reference time scale.In 4 d time-resolved scan mode, it can be used to record the physiological monitoring standard, after the scanning, will in each frame Angle projection image, taken by multiple divided into respiratory or cardiac period.This classification to create pseudo static projection, will be as an independent data sets, refactoring, and generate relative to different stages of the heart or respiratory cycle 3 d results.

Our visualization program will load all refactoring data set, and can make the whole reconstruction volume on the X - Y - Z dimension roll, and roll on time dimension, to the little affected by the motion artifacts of clear reconstruction image, demonstrate the heart or lungs of dynamic movement.Because of considering the data acquisition is completed, all data obtained will be classified, so you don't need to scan, can through classification, according to physiological monitoring time scale for visualization respiratory and cardiac cycle.

All carbon heart switch control electrode

Animal warehouse with a special cable and electrode holder, so that the integration in sensitive amplifier test of physiological monitoring subsystem electrocardiogram (ecg) signal.Electrocardiogram (ecg) adopted by the brook microscopic CT wiring and special development of electrocardiogram (ecg) wiring and electrode, does not contain any metal parts.The cable and electrodes have adopted advanced carbon fiber conductive parts, its absorption of X-ray and animal tissues absorb x-rays similar, so the image quality is not compromised.