Atomic force microscope

AutoMET software

Enhanced version of nanoscale Dimension system automation

Brooke's AutoMET ™ software for mass, strict production environment to achieve the precise AFM measurement.AutoMET can be used toDimension FastScanandDimension IconSystem, unique to achieve high-resolution AFM imaging and the combination of rapid, automatic metering.The software for production, QA/QC or other large applications is essential to the quality of the measurement provides excellent usability and adaptability.

AutoMET has the following features:

  • In samples and data storage head size 300 mm bare wafers and pattern on the wafer users to specify the location of the user defined nanoscale measurement automation
  • Optics and AFM image pattern recognition, needlepoint support center, the whole wafer or grid imaging, image positioning accuracy within tens of nanometer
  • For advanced users and simple automation programming
  • Easy to set up, aim the samples with the probe and perform alignment correction
  • Run the Recipe (Run automation program) model can use predefined automated process easy to complex measuring thousands of samples

AutoMET including an intuitive and simple automation programming environment, easy to simplify the complicated measurement process for simple push button operation.All different experience level of the operator can run through a predefined automation procedures, detailed and accurate measurement of thousands of samples.

Figure A automation program window shows the grid based layout, used for scanning measure the position of the user to specify in the area of rectangular or square.Figure B automation program window shows the based on the layout of the wafer, used for accurate, the user to specify the X, Y position measurement.