EPR vibration absorber

Dual mode EPR vibration absorber

Designed for triplets, double-sided animals and transition metal and rare earth ion anisotropy of the research and design.

The transition of separate allowed and forbidden

ER 4116 dm vibration absorber for triplets, twin animals and contain "ban" fine structure or superfine structure transition of transition metal and rare earth ion anisotropy of the research and design.When the magnetic field B0 and principle axis parallel, ESR mu Ms = + 2 transition probability in B1 vertical B0 (vertical polarization) down to zero, parallel B0, B1 (parallel polarization) is the largest.

For vertical (TE102) and parallel (TE012) microwave mode, empty the resonance frequency of the probe head were 9.8 and 9.9 GHz.When using standard quartz China off the blade variable temperature experiments (helium or nitrogen), vertical resonance frequency of 9.6 GHz, parallel B1 mode resonant frequency is 9.4 GHz.


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