Intuitive and interactive control system can be simplified bridge tuning, resonator calibration and experiment is carried out
WinEPR is designed to help those who are not familiar with EPR and EPR efficient and reliable operation of EMX series spectrometer.
In the familiar Windows ® interface, WinEPR provides an intuitive and interactive control system, is used to simplify the bridge tuning, resonator calibration and experiment is carried out.Automated process further help to participate in the experiment, which is studying sample direction, microwave power and sample temperature effects on EPR spectrum.
WinEPR powerful processing routines will help fast analysis within 1 d and 2 d data sets.WinEPR for the CW - acquisition and processing and the CW - ENDOR spectrum of EPR and EMXplus spectrometer series offers customized environment.
WinEPR provides a familiar user interface, while maintaining the required for data acquisition and data processing flexibility and reliability.
Brooke promises to provide clients with unparalleled throughout the buying cycle, from the initial consultation to the evaluation, installation, and service life of the instrument, it is LabScape always adhere to the service concept.
LabScape Maintenance agreement (Maintenance Agreements), the optional services (On - site On - Demand) and laboratory improvement plan (Enhance Your Lab) modern Lab is dedicated to provide you with a new method of Maintenance and service.