NMR automation


SampleJet adopts modern industrial standard sample arrangement - 96 orifice array, therefore, samples can be used before or after the NMR measurement standard laboratory automation equipment for processing.In addition, the design of SampleJet also to open the conventional NMR has realized the real submitted samples according to the sequence of a single tube.

Bright spot

The working process

With the aid of SampleJet, NMR fully integrated into the modern laboratory automation environment.SampleJet space requirements are in complete accord with the space requirements of NMR magnet.SampleJet可以安装在300 - 900 MHz 的磁体上,可在微量滴定板上完成NMR 样品管持续自动化,包括液体自动处理、试管自动处理和NMR 自动化软件。

The characteristics of

The characteristics of

  • No rotor open application: SampleJet provide 96 no tube tube rotor position (with another three rotor tube tube)
  • SampleJet provide five location for orifice size of NMR tube frame, allow batch processing as many as 480 sample tube
  • SampleJet can handle 5 mm sample tube, etc. The most common pipe diameter 1 mm sample
  • Automatic identification test tube and pipe rack bar code
  • SampleJet fully compatible with brooke BioSpin spectrometer control software, such as XWinNMR ™ or TopSpin ™ and IconNMR ™.



Industrial automation applications

  • Compound management QA
  • Mass screening application
  • Conventional NMR
  • Synthetic control
  • Special applications

Typical laboratory characteristics

  • The central laboratory
  • Aiming at high throughput laboratory
  • Using the standard orifice plate laboratory
  • Use a variety of pipe diameter of the laboratory
  • Open laboratory among multiple users

Technical parameters

The technical details

Apply to all without pipe rack NMR tubes

  • Standard 7 in a test tube, the rotor can match or not
  • 4 inches short tube, no rotor
  • Diameter: 1 mm, 1.7 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm (can be required to provide other tube type)
  • 4 inches shorter tube placed in one-time orifice tube rack

The function is all ready

  • Synchronous perform batch operation and open operation
  • Laboratory and commercial environments and tools (liquid processor, refrigerator, autoclave, etc.) to match the test tube, the lid and shelf
  • Rotating and non-rotating function (3 mm, 5 mm)
  • Conform to the standard reference sample
  • Can use the same sample tube processing method, almost infinite repeatedly repeatedly measure the same sample (without the rotor samples

Flexible and varied

  • Can load a single sample and/or samples at any time
  • Performs open sample submission and processing at any time, can also be executed during the batch processing
  • Manual injection sample of the magnets
  • Easy access to LT/HT, HR - MAS sample or perform CryoFit operations
  • Customizable procedure (weekend), night and day



Brooke BioSpin nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and preclinical imaging products, services and lifecycle support

Brooke promises to provide clients with unparalleled throughout the buying cycle, from the initial consultation to the evaluation, installation, and service life of the instrument, it is LabScape always adhere to the service concept.

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