The probe

IProbe SmartProbe

Sensitive, functional diversity, flexible operation, advanced intelligent: broadband frequency channel, which can realize the protons and the widest frequency range of X nuclear automatic application

Performance and flexibility

SmartProbe ™ to multicore channels and protons are with the highest sensitivity.Adopt unique broadband frequency channel design, which can realize the protons and the widest frequency range of X nuclear automatic application.

In order to maximize flexibility, can use brooke's ATM ™ technology full automation nuclei switch and probe tuning and matching.Another feature of this type of probe is able to observe 19 f for 1 h decoupling, and excellent implementation of 2 d 1 h / 19 f wave spectrum analysis.In addition, the two nuclei, respectively independent coil, eliminates the one coil double-tuned common pseudo peak.

Using high-performance Z direction gradient design, so as to realize the maximum linearity and shortest gradient recovery time.The probe has good linear, can according to the control samples, biological samples and humoral response sample request, using the saturated or pulse gradient field, achieve excellent more than single solvent or solvent.SmartProbe ™ is suitable for small molecules to conventional 1 h NMR tests to widely used, such as advanced research including the reverse experiment required excellent solvent suppression, is an ideal probe.

The characteristics of

  • The highest X nuclear sensitivity combined with excellent proton sensitivity
  • A probe and realize direct and indirect test experiment
  • To improve the efficiency of the automation and flux
  • The brook ATM ™ technology, can be in 15 n to 19 f within the scope of automatic tuning of broadband access
  • 19 f application, including 1 h decoupling, and vice versa


SmartProbe applications:

Boron is a common used inorganic compounds and organic compounds in the element.Ten borane spectrum display for 1 h decoupling and not for 1 h - 11 b NMR spectrum of decoupling.2 d COSY record for a few minutes.

Structural validation and analysis

Selective NOESY: 50 mm quinine samples of one-dimensional experiment in 30 seconds

Verification and determination of need high quality spectrum structure, namely all nuclei have excellent linear and all experiment has higher sensitivity.To achieve the best sensitivity in all kinds of application, must be in all the B1 field coil must ensure that all the coil and uniformity of B1 field uniformity and the balance between the rf channels.Performance and excellent solvent suppression is suitable for all kinds of application in water, such as biological molecules and metabolic research experiment.

Fluorine is a kind of exist in a variety of elements in drug compounds, through different nuclear NOE experiment (such as HOESY experiment) to obtain the basic structural parameters.Fluoride also can be used as a surfactant metabolism study and observation of enzymatic HTS filter elements.

Cell growth inhibition of fluorouracil (pictured above) samples of 19 f - 1 h HMBC experiments, the presence of the correlation peak showed that fluorine atoms and heterocyclic protons in space into.

19 f (below), 1 h HOESY and HMBC experimental comparison.HOESY spectra are F and heterocyclic proton peak, HMBC spectra are F and NH proton correlation peak.

The technical details

  • Broadband high-resolution observation probe
  • Equipped with the shield type single axis Z direction gradient
  • Applies to a diameter of 5 mm samples and 400-600 MHz standard cavity magnets
  • Within the coil tuning can be used to observe 19 f or 31 p to 15 n within the scope of any nucleus
  • Outside the coil tuning can be used for 1 h decoupling or observation
  • Carefully selected coil design, make probe can be used in reverse at the same time the experiment and X nuclear direct detection
  • 2 h lock channel
  • The standard configuration of this probe include automatic tuning and matching equipment (ATM)


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