Application documents - magnetic resonance (NMR)

Small molecular structure validation of computer aided data analysis

Faster workflow for free chemist

Synthetic chemists continually looking for ways to simplify the work.To do so that they can maximize their ability to innovate, whether it is through the design of the new compound, recognition reaction, optimize the reaction conditions, or synthetic compounds.In the pharmaceutical industry, this kind of innovation in promoting the discovery and development of candidate compounds and win the market competition is very important.

However, innovation must balance and verification phase.Therefore, the organic chemist spent a lot of time to verify synthetic steps.In robust and efficient way to verify these steps, reduce the chemist the time spent on rote learning validation step, at the same time increase their small molecules can be used to the new innovation in time.

Computer aided verification provides an effective method to validation of molecular structure.Brooke's Comp雷竞技怎么下载lete Molecular Confidence (CMC) software suite to implement this concept, for small molecules and to clarify the chemist representation structure.With the interpretation of the conventional NMR spectrum and NMR data for automated processing and analysis, so as to provide support for chemists.The software USES an algorithm for the analysis of conventional NMR spectrum, including structural consistency, spectrum allocation, multiplet analysis, determination of the concentration, and the purity assessment.

Let's take a look at the computer aided verification in the process of synthetic chain, spore of phenol is how to play a role.Chain spore phenol is in rotting fruit a mycotoxin produced by fungus, is a kind of antibacterial compounds for the treatment of potential.

Organic synthesis for the chain, spore phenol synthesis provided a way.It can give chemists in every step of the process validation of synthetic products advantages.

CMC - assist provides a, from access to data, to verify the simplified method of spectrum analysis to the structure, provides the chemist based on spectrum and the consistency of a given structure or a clear set of inconsistency of start-stop checkpoints.The process can be conducted on the spectrometer itself, its analysis results can be get in IconNMR, as shown in figure:

Based on the analysis of original data, the CMC - assist control, the known structure of spectrum examination, can provide about the density, consistency, and multiple state and distribution of information.

Finally, all the analysis results can be published by the patent and standard report format.

Brought more challenging situation, biosynthesis in need separation and validation of a mixture of multiple products, and didn't check the ability of the intermediate steps.Therefore, only the final product.

In the chain of spore phenolic biosynthesis process, is also likely to produce the product of the compounds are very similar to the required (e.g., go armour hexanone), therefore must also be careful to clarify.CMC - se provides a computer aided method to accomplish the task.

In this workflow, the software USES a set of more reliable NMR experimental data, using data from the 1 d and 2 d experiments to fill the form, then the elaboration and to evaluate the correlation of with the proposed structure.As you can see, this can help chemists to assess the possibility of a certain structure: may be, may, or may not (in this case).

These two kinds of software tools to ease the chemist daily analysis work load, one is by confirming every tiny changes occur in synthetic steps, the other is by completing a more complete data puzzles to verify that the final product or multiple products.Both are using the power of the computer aided intelligent tool, make life easier in analysis laboratory, and to accelerate the discovery and development.